3 Reasons Why Recognizing Pharmacists as Providers Can Help Solving Public Health Crisis in the US

Here are 3 ways how pharmacists can help the two most pressing problems of healthcare in the US.

Soojin Jun, PharmD


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Disclaimer: the following is solely my opinion on why pharmacists should be recognized as providers. I welcome constructive and respectful comments.

After losing my dad to medical gaps and partly to adverse events from medications as a minority patient, I have changed my career to be a pharmacist from a videographer. With my naiveness yet passionate endeavor, I thought I could change healthcare to be better one patient at a time. I was so eager for change that I created a business plan for a pharmacist-mediated digital health solution with my friends that patients and caregivers could coordinate care together with doctors and hospitals, directly inspired by my personal experience as a caregiver before graduation.

I interacted with entrepreneurs from StartUp Health, PillPack, 1871 (Now Matter), and venture capitalists and competed in different competitions including South by Southwest. I enrolled in the health informatics graduate program to make the app a possibility with a targeted clinical trial for minority patients in mind. I could not continue after I became…



Soojin Jun, PharmD

Cofounder of Patients for Patient Safety US. Owner of I am Cheese pub. Pharmacist and empathy believer. Check out www.pfps.us and www.npsb.org & be a hero!