4 Sets of People That Might Need an Urgent Psychiatrist’s Evaluation

Never shy away from mental health checks

Deborah Agbakwuru
3 min readJun 30, 2020


Photo by Jarylle Adriane Paloma on Unsplash

My patients would miss having me around, but I had to go. It was a one-year Internship.

I once worked at a Psychiatric hospital where we attended to patients with different mental issues, ranging from depression to bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia. When I was first offered the appointment, I didn’t know what to expect from a mental health institution. To be candid, I was confused. A lot of information spewing out on social media frightened me.

What if the patients bit me? Or maybe pounced on me? I imagined various creepy moments.

Funny right? It wasn’t funny then though. I had many misconceptions about mental illness. Things have changed now, and I’m an advocate of mental health and well-being.

During clinical ward rounds, one thing I noticed was that most of these patients didn’t believe they needed help. Some were oblivious of their present state. Their state of mind results from certain traumatic events that happened in the past or a family history of mental illness especially in the case of schizophrenia and drug abuse.

Commonly abused and addictive hard drugs can lead to schizophrenia. Marijuana (cannabis or Indian hemp), Heroin, and Cocaine (coke or crack) are culprits.

While traumatic events and family history of illness may not be avoidable, drug abuse can be avoided. Since it may be very difficult for drug addicts to stop taking drugs, it is often advised to stay away from drugs, with the slogan, “SAY NO TO HARD DRUGS”.

Drug addicts can always get help from addiction facilities close to them and mental health professionals are always ready to help!

The question is, are you willing to be helped?

Photo by Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash

Many individuals ignore their mental health. Some feel they are fine and consider psychiatric visits an extreme measure. This is false! Routine psychiatric visits and evaluations go a long way in preventing major mental health conditions.

Here are four groups that may benefit from a psychiatric evaluation:

  1. Substance abuse: Yes! I said it before. Drug addicts are at high risk of developing mental health issues. Consider visiting a psychiatrist if you struggle with drug use or abuse.
  2. Recent traumatic event: People that have experienced the loss of a loved one, spouse or job, heartbreak, or perceived failure would benefit from visiting a Psychiatrist for an evaluation. Many of these people slip into depression even without knowing it. Depression may lead to suicidal thoughts. Trauma increases the risk of suicide. A timely psychiatric evaluation may have prevented some of the suicide cases.
  3. Low self-esteem: We are humans and all have some insecurities. When a lack of self-esteem prevents us from moving ahead in our life, it’s time for help. Insecurities as a result of your looks, social status, academic or career achievement, account balance impact our perception and can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. A psychiatry visit might be today the healthiest thing to do. Yank off low self-esteem! It is a silent killer. Believe in yourself. Be confident!
  4. Family History: Those with one or two people in the family with mental illness are at high risk. Family history is extremely important. There is a possibility of coming down with mental illness if someone in your nuclear or extended family has it. Routine mental health evaluation and check-up will be of great benefit.
Photo by Long Truong on Unsplash

While you may not be among this set of people, your mental health should never be neglected. Routine visits to psychiatrists for an evaluation would ensure overall mental health well-being. Always remember the words of Urijar Faber, American martial artist, and actor- Good health is true wealth.

