A Dialogue on Lockdowns

Two front line doctors and an expert health writer discuss whether there are other options

Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa
Published in
17 min readOct 20, 2020


Photo by Gene Gallin on Unsplash

With Covid-19 cases surging across Europe and the United States, many authorities are reimposing lockdowns. In France, Paris and its environs are subject to a curfew from 9 PM to 6 AM, as President Emmanuel Macron declared a state of emergency. Several other European countries are also imposing lockdowns. And so it begins…again.

This begs the question as to whether lockdowns were effective measures to curb the spread of the virus in the first place, and herein enters my colleague and partner in crime Robert Turner who wrote a thought-provoking piece about the efficacy of lockdowns:

The healthcare industry can no longer stand by silently on the sidelines. Covid’s real danger now lies in the crippling damage our failed responses are inflicting on our societies. We need to speak out now. Our consciences should dictate it. Lockdowns are not solutions, they are in fact a crime against the innocent and the vulnerable. There are alternatives and we need to very seriously explore these.

Yes, Covid can kill you, but the odds, if you’re healthy, are massively in your favor. Even if you are old. The virus, although deadly to certain groups…



Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa

NY Times featured Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist | Physician Leader | Author and Blogger | His latest book is “Code Blue,” a medical thriller.