A Guide for Men to Become Champions of Support for Endometriosis

Christopher Nial
Published in
7 min readMar 17, 2024


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Endometriosis Awareness Week, observed in the first week of March each year, highlights a prevalent women’s health issue. Recently, my colleague Fern Lazar shared an inspiring update on LinkedIn: French Health Minister Catherine Vautrin’s announcement that the Ziwig Endotest, a revolutionary saliva test for endometriosis developed by Ziwig Biotech, will be fully covered by the French public health system from January 2025. The test is already available in many European countries and will soon be available in North America and the Middle East.

This innovative test is cost-effective and efficient, offering a quicker alternative to the more cumbersome and expensive traditional diagnostic methods like ultrasounds or MRIs. Its introduction promises a significant advancement in diagnosing endometriosis, potentially leading to an increase in early detection. This development underscores the importance of community support, particularly the vital role men can play in supporting women diagnosed with this challenging condition.

The intricacies of women’s health often remain whispered secrets, and endometriosis stands out as a condition shrouded in both mystery and misunderstanding. Affecting approximately one in ten women worldwide, endometriosis is characterised by silent suffering, misunderstood symptoms, and a journey marked by misdiagnosis and isolation. Yet, amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for profound solidarity, understanding, and support — an opportunity for men to step into roles of allies, advocates, and champions for the women in their lives battling endometriosis.

Why should men care about endometriosis? Beyond the statistics and clinical definitions, endometriosis affects our mothers, sisters, partners, friends, and colleagues. It weaves through the fabric of our relationships, impacting the physical well-being of those we care about and their emotional landscapes. Understanding endometriosis is about breaking down the barriers of silence and stigma that have long surrounded women’s health. It’s about creating spaces where empathy flourishes, support is unconditional, and awareness leads to action.

This article is a call to action for every brother, father, boyfriend, husband, and employer to understand endometriosis and actively participate in the journey towards empathy, support, and advocacy. Educating ourselves and standing alongside those affected can transform the endometriosis narrative from isolation to collective action and hope. Together, we can foster understanding, dismantle stigmas, and champion the health and well-being of women everywhere.

The Importance of Support

The fundamental question at the heart of any conversation about endometriosis is: Why is it crucial for men to engage in this dialogue? The answer lies in the shared human experience of empathy and compassion and the profound impact that understanding, support, and advocacy can have on women battling this condition.

Empathy and Awareness: A Foundation for Support

Understanding endometriosis is more than just familiarising oneself with its symptoms and treatments; it’s about acknowledging its profound effect on a woman’s life. For many women, endometriosis is a source of chronic pain, fertility issues, and emotional and psychological distress. The path to diagnosis is frequently long, winding, and fraught with challenges, leaving many feeling misunderstood and alone in their struggle.

For men, stepping into a role of empathy and awareness means recognising the silent battles and the strength it takes to face them daily. It’s about realising that support can transform the experience of someone living with endometriosis from isolation to shared strength and understanding. By becoming informed and empathetic allies, men can help dismantle the stigmas surrounding endometriosis and all aspects of women’s health, fostering a culture of openness and care.

Breaking Down Barriers: Towards a More Supportive Society

The silence that often surrounds women’s health issues, particularly those like endometriosis, is a barrier to understanding and support. This silence is born from a complex web of cultural, social, and even medical misconceptions and biases that can make it difficult for women to speak openly about their experiences. Men have a pivotal role in breaking down these barriers by educating themselves and others about endometriosis and advocating for and normalising conversations about menstrual health and women’s well-being.

Engagement from men in discussions about endometriosis and broader women’s health issues is crucial. It challenges outdated stereotypes and contributes to a more inclusive and supportive environment. By asking questions, seeking to understand, and showing compassion, men can help ensure that the journey women with endometriosis face is less isolating. They can contribute to a society where women feel seen, heard, and supported in all aspects of their health and well-being.

Becoming an Informed Ally

Educate Yourself About Endometriosis:

Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus, called the endometrium, grows outside the uterus. This can lead to severe pain, irregular bleeding, and even infertility. Despite its prevalence, it often needs to be diagnosed due to a need for more awareness and understanding. Resources (more information can be found at the end of the article) such as the Endometriosis Foundation of America, World Endometriosis Society (WES) or the European Endometriosis Alliance offer comprehensive insights into symptoms, treatments, and the latest research.

Listen and Learn from Experiences:

Engage in conversations with women willing to share their experiences with endometriosis. Understand that each woman’s journey with the condition is unique. Listening without judgment or assumption fosters an environment of trust and empathy.

Recognise the Emotional Impact:

Endometriosis carries a significant emotional burden. Acknowledge the frustration, fear, and anxiety that can accompany chronic pain and the challenges of seeking diagnosis and treatment. Offering emotional support and understanding can make a significant difference.

Advocate and Support in Practical Ways:

Advocate for workplace policies that support women’s health, such as flexible working hours and medical leave for those with chronic conditions. Encourage open dialogue about women’s health in your circles to challenge stigma and promote understanding.

Stay Informed About Advances in Treatment:

Medical research and treatment options for endometriosis are constantly evolving. Stay updated on these developments to support informed decision-making and better access to care.

Connect with Supportive Communities:

Encourage participation in or support the creation of support groups and communities for those affected by endometriosis. These spaces can provide valuable emotional support, advice, and solidarity.

Taking Action and Offering Solutions

For Personal Support:

  • Listen and encourage open conversations about endometriosis with the women in your life. Validate their experiences and learn about their specific needs and challenges.
  • Be present and accompany them to medical appointments when possible, offering emotional support and an additional ear for important information.

In the Workplace:

  • Advocate for policies that recognise and accommodate the needs of employees with endometriosis, such as flexible working hours, remote work options, and medical leave for treatment.
  • Facilitate workshops to raise awareness about endometriosis, fostering an environment of understanding and support. These sessions can educate employees about the condition, how it may affect their colleagues, and how they can offer support.

In the Public Sphere:

  • Support public health campaigns to increase awareness and understanding of endometriosis. Share information and advocate for broader societal recognition of the condition.
  • Partner with or support non-profit organisations that work towards advancing research, treatment, and support for those affected by endometriosis.

Services to Drive Change:

  • Design and execute comprehensive public health campaigns to raise awareness about endometriosis, change public perceptions, and encourage supportive actions.
  • Develop strategic PR initiatives to improve public understanding of endometriosis and promote gender-sensitive health policies. These initiatives aim to advocate for substantial support and increased research funding, driving a change in how endometriosis is perceived and addressed in the public sphere.
  • Provide strategic communication support to non-profit organisations focusing on women’s health. Assist in amplifying their messages, advocating for policy changes, and engaging communities in meaningful dialogue about endometriosis.


Reflecting on the significance of Endometriosis Awareness Week and the groundbreaking Ziwig Endotest, it’s clear that raising awareness is merely the first step towards effecting meaningful change. True transformation requires actionable support and involvement from everyone, including men, who are pivotal in providing the necessary support for women battling endometriosis. By understanding more about the condition, recognising its impact, and advocating for those affected, we can shift from passive awareness to active support. This commitment to empathy, education, and advocacy will pave the way for a more supportive and informed society where the health and well-being of women are prioritised.

Let us embark on this journey inspired by the advancements in diagnostic technology and the stories of resilience and strength. Together, by championing the cause of women with endometriosis, we commit to making a lasting difference — promoting understanding, breaking down stigmas, and enhancing the quality of life for women across the globe.


  1. Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound): A patient-focused organisation in the US that provides education, support, and advocacy for women with endometriosis. They offer resources, connect patients with specialists, and fund research initiatives. You can find them at the Endometriosis Foundation of America: https://www.endofound.org/.
  2. World Endometriosis Society (WES): A global, multi-disciplinary professional organisation dedicated to advancing the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of endometriosis. They organise conferences, publish research, and set best practices for endometriosis care. You can find them at World Endometriosis Society: https://endometriosis.ca/
  3. European Endometriosis Alliance (EEA): This umbrella organisation connects national endometriosis support groups across Europe. They advocate for awareness, improved diagnosis and treatment, and increased research funding. While they don’t offer direct support to patients, you can find information on member organisations in various European countries on their website: https://endometriosis.org/news/support-awareness/european-endometriosis-alliance/.
  4. Ziwig Biotech: A company using salvia diagnostics for many diseases and conditions beyond early diagnosis, saliva can provide information on individual risk of developing disease, disease progression, or therapeutic response, all in a simple, rapid, and non-invasive method. More information can be found on their website: https://ziwig.com/en/home/



Christopher Nial

Senior Partner, EMEA Public Health within Global Public Health at FINN Partners | Watching How Climate will Change Global Public Health