Being Well Newsletter

A New Year, the Same Virus, and the Being Well Team Searches for Answers to Save Lives

Covid-19 and the ethical implications we all must consider

Dr Jeff Livingston
Published in
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3 min readJan 11, 2021


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The Holiday Season and New Year’s celebrations were not kind to the pandemic. We can not allow ourselves to become numb to the 21.1 Million US Covid-19 cases and 357,000 deaths.

Medika has created a memorial page called The Global Memorial Project for those who lost their lives to the pandemic. These lives must be remembered and should be celebrated.

Your Being Well editor survived a severe Covid infection. I shared a tool provided by the Texas health department showing locations of COVID-19 vaccine providers in Texas Provides a Useful Tool For Senior Citizens Covid Vaccinations.

We start the new year with A New Year’s Message of Hope from Medika Life.


Being Well Editor Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa provides several touching, thoughtful, and scientifically validated stories to help us navigate the crisis. Dr. Hassaballa is the ultimate frontline worker. He is an ICU physician who has been running Covid-19 ICUs since the start of the pandemic. There is no one more credible on Medium than this physician…



Dr Jeff Livingston

Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of & founder of