Are You Using the Best Toothpaste?

What you really need to focus on to care for your teeth

Eshal Rose


“Which is the best toothpaste you would recommend?”

This is a question that I hear almost every day from friends, family, and patients alike. Is this brand better than that one? Will this one help whiten my teeth? What about my bleeding gums?

The variety of toothpaste available in the market currently is limitless. Companies seem to have figured out a type for every problem you could face.

Yellow teeth? Use our new charcoal whitening toothpaste.

Bleeding gums? This will stop it in two weeks.

Stains on your teeth? We have the perfect solution!

Bad breath? Another new toothpaste with mint.

Gentle whitening, Anticavity, Stain removing, Deep clean, Detoxifying, Organic…..yes there are so many different types available. So which one do you choose?

How to choose the one for you?

Typically, most toothpaste varieties have a similar composition. The key ingredient to look for would be fluoride.

Fluoride is an essential trace element required to maintain bones and tooth enamel. It is considered the most effective element for the…



Eshal Rose

Transforming thoughts into words. I can be funny sometimes. Dentist/Writer.