Bodyweight Squats vs Lunges: Which Are Better?

Philip James
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2022


Photo Credit:Burst Royalty Free Photos

Leg training can be pretty basic most of the time. You’re going to squat, lunge, deadlift, and maybe perform steps ups. Not a ton of variety but it gets the job done. Both beginners and advanced trainees will often add bodyweight lunges and squats into their training for increased stimulus.

Which is better for your fitness goals?

Fat Loss: Squats are the better choice between the two as it burns more calories. The bodyweight squat targets every lower body muscle while requiring you to maintain an upright chest. It also challenges several joints, specifically your ankles, to operate in a greater range of motion. If you’re only going to do one, it’s the bodyweight squat. If you are short on time then squats make the most sense.

Target Specific Muscles: Lunges are the choice here since they are unilateral and they allow you to manage foot placement and length to target your glutes, hamstrings, and quads to a greater extent. If you are short on equipment then the variety of lunges can be really helpful for raising exercise intensity.

Joint Specific Issues: Low back and knee pain are common for individuals who frequently perform intense leg training. A bodyweight lunge and squat can both be helpful for maintaining strength and rehabbing joint pain. I prefer lunges as they are unilateral and I…



Philip James

Reader, Free Thinker, Lifter, Runner, Fun Haver