Mammograms of the left and right breast in black and white.
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Breast Cancer Density — What An Oncologist Wishes You Knew

Michael Hunter, MD
Published in
7 min readOct 29, 2022


BREAST DENSITY IS A MEASURE OF BREAST PROPORTIONS of fibrous and glandular tissue, compared with fat tissue. We begin with a brief quiz:

Which of the following statements is/are FACT?

  • A. Breast cancer incidence is increased for those with a greater proportion of dense breast tissue on mammograms.
  • B. Dense breast tissue can interfere with identifying cancer on mammograms.
  • C. Both A and B.

You are correct if you guessed C (both A and B).

If a recent mammogram showed you have dense breast tissue, you might be concerned about what this means for your breast cancer risk. Today, we explore the implications of having dense breasts.

Breast density basics

Breast density measures the ratio of fibrous and glandular tissue (that is, fibroglandular tissue) in your breast, compared with fat tissue. Density has nothing to do with size or firmness.

Breast anatomy illustration, showing the breast ducts leading to the nipple, and the lobules on the ducts’ far ends. The breast is seen from the side, nipple to the left, and the chest wall and ribs to the right.
Breast components.

Breasts are milk ducts, lobules, and fatty and fibrous connective tissue. The ducts are the tiny tubes carrying milk from the…



Michael Hunter, MD

I have degrees from Harvard, Yale, and Penn. I am a radiation oncologist in the Seattle area. You may find me regularly posting at