Can Wearing A Bow Tie Improve Mental Health?

When the bow tie is more than a party accessory

Lisa Bradburn


Red bow tie with black shirt closeup
Red bow tie with black shirt | Image courtesy of Egor Tetiushev, Shutterstock

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Tie One On?

While most people are familiar with fancy bow ties traditionally worn to celebrations, today I'd like to discuss the benefits of the Donny Thompson bow tie commonly used in powerlifting that the average person can wear daily to enhance mental health. You heard correctly — the bow tie can be a powerful aid in transforming your physical appearance and improving your mental outlook. Let's explore the topic further.

Donnie Tompson Casual Bowtie
Donnie Thompson Casual Bow Tie| Image Courtesy of

My Personal Experience

In the early summer of 2022, I started personal training with Michael Walton, founder of Walton Resilience in Port Hope, Ontario. One of the first observations Michael made was concerning my poor posture. He kindly showed me how I exhibited a slouch and concaved my shoulders. This embodied behavior had existed for a long time; the body had become comfortable and adopted improper posture as the norm. Given I have undertaken years of various forms of therapy for…



Lisa Bradburn

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Agile Coach at the intersection of technology, faith and the human condition. Let’s chat: