Spine Health

Chiropractic Treatment Versus Medication For Chronic Lower Back Pain In Elderly Patients

Erik Reich, DC
4 min readMay 11, 2022


The evidence increasingly favors spinal manipulation over prescription drugs when considering patient satisfaction and improvements to quality of life.

First, as a practicing chiropractor, I am biased toward the care I give my patients. It is my belief that most people suffering musculoskeletal complaints such as acute or chronic lower back pain would do well to begin their care with treatment that is more conservative, holistic, and with fewer side effects.

For me, a good chiropractor is going to check all those boxes by taking a thorough history, performing an exam, offering a biologically plausible diagnosis, and working together with the patient on a plan of care.

“Listen More” spelled out in Scrabble tiles.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

That care is often going to include advice on lifestyle modifications, an exercise prescription, home stretching, nutrition advice, and of course, spinal joint manipulation — aka chiropractic adjustment.

I am not against taking medicine, having injections, surgery, advanced imaging, or special tests. I have referred out for all of the above for my patients and have had these types of procedures myself as the patient. Certain patients need these interventions, especially in the presence of red flags or signs…



Erik Reich, DC

I enjoy reading and writing about health, fitness, and probably food, though if we’re being honest definitely food. www.drerikreich.com