Chronic Pain Explained

We intuitively understand more than we think we do…

Anna Holtzman


Emotions are energy, plain and simple. And when we constrict around energy (because culture has told us that emotions are “wrong”), that energy becomes compressed and explosive inside of us — manifesting as uncomfortable symptoms like anxiety, depression, pain, inflammation, etc.⁠

We understand this intuitively.⁠

If we repress the energy that fuels bowel elimination, things will get very uncomfortable inside and will eventually feel stuck or explosive — or a combination of the two. And this will cascade into other symptoms.⁠

Similarly, if we repress the energy of emotional functioning, we wind up feeling stuck (depression), explosive (anxiety) or a combination of the two — as well as physical symptoms like muscle tightness, pain, inflammation, rashes, fatigue, etc.⁠


We don’t choose to repress our emotions. Not any more than we consciously choose to flinch when a bee 🐝 flies near us.⁠

We know that bees can be dangerous because we’ve learned this through conditioning experiences — either we got stung, or we saw other people around us flinching — and our nervous system learned to code bees as dangerous: 🐝 =⚠️



Anna Holtzman

Licensed therapist (LMHC) and chronic pain recovery coach. IG @anna_holtzman