Daily Aspirin; This Simple Solution Saves Pregnant Women’s Lives

Low-Dose Aspirin in Pregnancy reduces the risk of preeclampsia.

Dr Jeff Livingston


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She had the worst headache of her life. The labor and delivery nurse’s face turned white as she checked her blood pressure. 200/120. These pressures were way beyond the critical range. As the team scrambled to start life-saving Magnesium sulfate medication, she suffered an eclamptic seizure.

She was only 26 weeks pregnant, and her life was in imminent jeopardy. The doctors recommended immediate delivery. Her baby survived the emergency c section but spent the first three months in the neonatal care unit.

Now that she is pregnant again. She wants to know how to reduce her risk.

Reducing the rate of preeclampsia in pregnant women through daily low-dose aspirin in high-risk patients may save lives and reduce the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) are two leading medical associations that recommend daily low-dose aspirin for women with an increased risk of developing preeclampsia during pregnancy. Low-dose aspirin is an inexpensive and easily-accessible medication that lowers the risk of preeclampsia in high-risk women.



Dr Jeff Livingston

Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of MacArthurmc.com & founder of Medika.life