Is Vaping Bad for You? Why You Might Want to Avoid Doing it at Night

Vaping’s effect on sleep is different from cigarettes

J.J. Pryor
Published in
6 min readJun 21, 2020


I started vaping a few months ago in an effort to reduce the number of cigarettes I smoke. While not as good as quitting tobacco, The Royal College of Physicians recommends it as a good tool to quit smoking, or at least to drastically reduce the harmful effects.

“The available data (on vaping) suggest that they are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with smoked tobacco products, and may well be substantially lower than this figure.” — The Royal College of Physicians

So I found a good brand after searching for a while and mostly switched over to it about 3 months ago.

What I didn’t account for was a slow change to my sleeping patterns — I started getting bad insomnia at night.

I’m normally able to start seeing floating sheep shortly after hitting my pillow for the night, so this was unwelcome and strange to me.

Smoking cigarettes at night

Many smokers claim to enjoy a nighttime cigarette before bed to relax and get them in the mood for slumber.

Nicotine is usually known as being a mild stimulant. Many smokers have a cigarette (and often…



J.J. Pryor

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