Doctors Are Leaders, but Are They Good at It?

Despite it not being a focus of their training, the best doctors are also great leaders.

Sohail Merchant, MD



Being a Physician Sure Is a Big Responsibility

We go to them for advice and peace of mind. We rely on them in times of crisis. Doctors are viewed as healers, but they are also looked up to as leaders who have knowledge and resources that can enrich their communities.

As a current family medicine resident, I am in the middle of a years-long journey populated with all sorts of unique mentors. Some have been phenomenal; I could never possibly forget their lessons. Others have been… well, not so phenomenal.

For better or worse, there is a clear pecking order in medicine, and you’re expected to be a leader right after you graduate from medical school.


This can feel gratifying to new residents, but few are prepared to step into that privileged role. The truth is that basically none of the years of training required of doctors is focused on leadership. So, there is a constant influx of young doctors labeled as leaders, and most do…

