Donating Blood is an Easy Way to Help Out During the Pandemic

The blood banks are running on empty. We can fill them up.

Dr Jeff Livingston


Photo: ViktorCap Istock/Getty

The Covid-19 pandemic has depleted our nation’s blood supply. Blood banks across the country are operating below capacity, and patients are paying the price.

As we march together through the pandemic, many people are searching for ways to help others. One of the easiest ways to support the surrounding community is to schedule a local blood bank visit and make a donation.

According to the Red Cross, someone in the US needs blood every two seconds. The US requires 38,000 blood donations every day to meet the demand. While almost half of Americans are eligible to give blood, only 2% of the population donates.

Each blood donation saves up to three lives.

Covid-19 patients often require life-saving blood, plasma, and platelet transfusions. But hospitals need blood products for day-to-day patient care.

Blood products are used during surgery for car accidents and other trauma. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy often require frequent transfusions. Patients with chronic conditions, like sickle cell anemia, require transfusions throughout their lives.



Dr Jeff Livingston

Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of & founder of