Feed, Fix and Flourish Your Microbiota for Healthy Gut and Happy You

A road towards immune fitness with functional diet — prebiotic, probiotic and synbiotic

Tanvi Shinde, PhD


Ifhealth is wealth”, then the treasure box for that wealth is your gut. Guarding this treasure box full of potential health benefits is an army of about 100 trillion microbes that reside in our gastrointestinal tract, infamously known as the “gut microbiota”. They hold immense power in unlocking this treasure box.

You favor the right microbes to flourish, and you are in for cashing out all the immune health benefits for a happy and healthy life. But, if you do not take care of the beneficial microbes, the evil and pathogenic microbes take over to convert the same treasure box into a curse box — spewing out toxic inflammatory substances that can make you sick and miserable.

The inflammation can wreak havoc in your immune system and turn it against you, leading to additional health damage, increasing your susceptibility to infections, and make recovery more difficult.

Image by DataBase Center for Life Science (DBCLS)



Tanvi Shinde, PhD

. Biomedical Researcher interested in inflammation and microbiome for gut health and beyond . Published Academic author . Gut Health Evangelist . Mom . Reader .