Five Cardiovascular HealthTech Innovation Trends Here to Stay

Christopher Nial
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2024
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

In the time it takes to read this article, almost 100 people will have succumbed to a cardiovascular illness. This stark statistic underscores the relentless threat posed by cardiovascular diseases, which remain the leading cause of death globally, claiming around 18 million lives annually. Much of this burden disproportionately impacts low- and middle-income countries. However, a beacon of hope shines amidst this grim reality: HealthTech innovations. Lucy Setian of the Novartis Foundation elucidates the indispensable role of technology in combating these deadly diseases.

1. Leveraging Everyday Technology for Heart Health

Simple yet effective, the Anura mobile app exemplifies how user-friendly HealthTech can be. By merely recording a 30-second selfie video, the app employs AI to provide vital health metrics such as blood pressure and heart rate variability. Setian emphasises, “The beauty of such innovations lies in their simplicity and ability to make preliminary assessments accessible to everyone, everywhere.”

2. AI in Cardio Diagnostics: A Game Changer

The acceleration of digital health tools has been catalysed by the COVID-19 pandemic, closing the gap from self-care to service delivery. Advanced AI now plays a crucial role in developing intelligent diagnostic tools. “AI’s ability to operate on the edge — directly from mobile devices — opens up new possibilities for cardiovascular health, particularly in regions with limited internet access,” Setian notes.

3. Bridging the Last Mile in Cardiovascular Health

Innovations like those pioneered by Ilara Health are making strides in making diagnostics affordable and accessible. This startup has been instrumental in bringing essential health services closer to over 500 million people in Africa. “Ilara Health’s model shows how HealthTech can bridge critical gaps in healthcare delivery, especially in underserved areas,” explains Setian.

4. The Synergy of Human Touch and AI

While AI significantly enhances healthcare efficiency, the human element remains irreplaceable. HealthTech solutions like Glycoleap and Yumlish exemplify how digital and human services can be blended to provide comprehensive care. “The integration of AI with real-time human interaction enriches the patient experience, making it more tailored and effective,” Setian remarks.

5. Modular and Integrated HealthTech Solutions

The trend towards modular yet integrated systems is evident in companies like ToLife and Unite Us, which optimise health outcomes through enhanced data interoperability. “The ability to seamlessly integrate various HealthTech solutions into existing systems without heavy infrastructural investments is crucial for sustainable health improvements,” Setian asserts.


The transformative impact of cardiovascular HealthTech innovations is undeniable. They not only enhance the accessibility and affordability of healthcare but also improve diagnostic accuracy and patient care, thereby reducing health inequities and increasing crisis preparedness. Setian concludes, “HealthTech is not just a temporary fix; it’s a permanent fixture in our journey towards better health outcomes worldwide.”

With these advancements, the future of cardiovascular health looks promising, guided by technology and innovation that not only saves lives but reshapes the fabric of healthcare delivery.



Christopher Nial

Senior Partner, EMEA Public Health within Global Public Health at FINN Partners | Watching How Climate will Change Global Public Health