Freezer Friendly Recipes for New Moms to Simplify Postpartum Life

Quick and easy recipes for new parents

MacArthur Medical Center


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Our little bundle of joy, Mila Sofia, officially arrived on June 22nd, and we are so incredibly in love. We knew parenting life would be a big transition, but man, those first two weeks can be brutal.

Trying to navigate breastfeeding, still recovering from delivery, and not getting more than 3 hours of sleep in one sitting — it is rough. Huge shout out to all the moms and dads out there!

Let’s talk about one thing that saved us during those early postpartum days: Freezer Friendly Recipes!

Having a well-stocked freezer full of easy meals allowed us to have healthier home-cooked meals without much effort, saving us both time and money. Luckily, thanks to Covid-19 — my husband, Marcelo, had some extra time to help prep some freezer-friendly recipes in the weeks leading up to her due date.
We wanted to share a roundup of the specific recipes we stocked up on! These are helpful for anyone else that’s currently expecting but are also great for any busy families or single folks who want to have some quick meals on hand that doesn’t require any prep.

How to approach freezer meal prep



MacArthur Medical Center

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