Hungrier Than Usual? Here Are 6 Things Your Body Might Be Trying To Tell You

What science says about a sudden change in appetite or two

Alexandra Walker-Jones


There are some days when it feels like we couldn’t be more on top of our nutrition if we tried; days we have absolutely no problem sticking to our routine; days where nourishing our bodies with the right kinds of foods from breakfast to dinner (and even dessert!) feels like totally no big deal.

THEN, there are some days when it feels like our stomachs are a bottom-less pit of insatiable hunger.

Most annoyingly, it’s likely we might only come to fully realize this when we’re already well on our way to eating an entire family-sized bag of chips, a whole tray of pizza-bites, and our second peanut-butter banana sandwich of the day.

This is because hunger is one sneaky assailant, often finding ways to motivate our bodies repeatedly towards the fridge without taking a thoughtful moment to inform our brains of exactly what’s going on.

Fear not, though, because if you’re having one of those days where you crave everything but the kitchen sink (thank god for that!), this list of 6 things your body might be trying to tell you can help:

1. Eat More Protein (And Fat, And Fibre)



Alexandra Walker-Jones

Content writer and published author in the plant-based health and wellness sphere. I’m just here to learn!