Introduce The Empty Chair Technique Into Your Coaching Practice

Repurpose a core Gestalt Psychotherapy technique to mitigate conflict situations.

Lisa Bradburn


Old Chair | Image By antondanilenko, Shutterstock

Personal Example

The Empty Chair technique is a traditional Gestalt psychotherapy practice influenced by theatre and improvisation. Before Covid-19, I met with a Gestalt practitioner for a therapy session, and we experimented with the Empty Chair, allowing me to have a difficult conversation with my Dad. While our relationship has improved a million-fold in the last year, there were lingering emotions I wanted to express to him, yet, I felt incapable of doing so in person.

In my session, the Empty Chair was set for my father, allowing me to speak to his imaginary being as if he was in the room. And when it was his (the chair’s) turn to reply, I sat in the Empty Chair and took on the role and voice of my dad. All the while, the Psychotherapist guided our conversation by asking powerful questions and unearthing our voices. The technique allowed me to ‘try on’ what it’s like to be my father; to speak in the tone of his voice, use his style of words, mannerisms and feel his ‘essence.’

The result of our tough conversation allowed me to understand my dad’s point of view better, release my strong feelings, and begin to ‘let…



Lisa Bradburn

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Agile Coach at the intersection of technology, faith and the human condition. Let’s chat: