What to know about COVID vaccines, fertility, and pregnancy

Let’s talk about COVID vaccines, whether they could alter the menstrual cycle, and infertility claims.

E. Rosalie


Questions about vaccines and women’s health

Let’s discuss Covid vaccines, whether they affect menstrual cycles, and recent infertility claims.

  • Can the vaccine make you infertile?
  • Can vaccinated women somehow affect unvaccinated women’s cycles?
  • Can the vaccine affect the vaccinated woman’s cycle?

No, No, and Maybe. Here’s what isn’t happening:

  • First, it is impossible for vaccinated women to shed the SARS-CoV-2 virus due to the mRNA vaccine. This would mean they cannot spread the virus to unvaccinated women.
  • mRNA vaccines do not contain a whole virus, not even inactivated. Thus, there is nothing to “shed.”

The mRNA vaccines do not have the virus in them and cannot lead to shedding of any kind. You cannot get Covid from mRNA vaccines as a consequence.

Could cycle irregularities be related to the vaccine?

Yes, there may be some association. It could also be that many women are hearing it and ascribing irregularities they would have had regardless of the vaccine. Let’s more closely at the explanations.



E. Rosalie

Disasters & information (public health + nat sec) | Johns Hopkins alum | @COVID19Tracking alum | Mapping medical misinfo 💉 and information disorder