Maximizing Productivity: How to Work with Your Body’s Natural Rhythm

Megan Dudley
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2023

Maximizing productivity has become a universal quest in our fast-paced world. While thousands of articles on productivity tips are available, they often fail to consider our body’s natural productivity cycles. Which often leads us to work against our body instead of with it.

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

What controls our natural productivity cycles?

You’re probably familiar with the REM-NREM sleep cycle, where we transition from light to deep sleep about every 90 minutes, which is vital for memory consolidation and emotional well-being.

You might not realize that our bodies adhere to a similar 90-minute cycle during waking hours. Throughout the day, we naturally experience shifts in awareness levels, moving from heightened to more subdued states. This inherent pattern is known as the “ultradian rhythm,” a key player in optimizing productivity.

What’s unique about ultradian rhythms?

Just like sleep patterns, ultradian rhythms have a wave-like structure. There are alternating periods of high energy and alertness (peaks) and decreased energy and inattention (troughs).

Peak periods are when our cognitive powers and creative potential are at their highest, making them the best times to work on projects that require intense concentration and creativity. On the other hand, during the trough stages, when our energy levels are low, our brains instinctively need rest and renewal.

Optimizing Your Ultradian Rhythms:

To leverage the power of ultradian rhythms and enhance productivity, it is crucial to understand how to align your activities with these cycles. The following tips can help you make the most of your ultradian rhythms:

  1. Know Your Peaks and Lows: Pay attention to how your energy levels change naturally throughout the day. Keep track of your energy levels and note when you feel the most alert. Keep a journal or utilize productivity tracking software to spot trends over time.
  2. Blocking time: During your peak periods, when your mental sharpness is at its maximum, schedule your most challenging, high-focus tasks. Keep lighter activity or brief rest periods throughout trough stages.
  3. Task Batching: Group similar tasks together and tackle them during peak phases. You may capitalize on the momentum attained during peak periods by focusing on related tasks, increasing your effectiveness and productivity.
  4. Sleep Hygiene: Quality sleep should be prioritized since ultradian rhythms and circadian rhythms are closely related. Establish a sleep schedule that provides enough restorative sleep to reset your ultradian cycles for the following day.

Read this article for more ways to optimize sleep:

We can reach our maximum productivity by synchronizing our daily habits with our ultradian cycles' natural ebb and flow. Maximizing these cycles makes us work more productively and sustainably without jeopardizing our general well-being. So, embrace the power of your ultradian cycles to find the secret to a more productive existence.

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Megan Dudley

Lead Data Scientist & Science Writer. M.S. in Analytics. Using data to drive insights into health, and relationships. Hiker, yogi, and coffee addict.