No Tsunami of Mental Illness Accompanies Covid-19

Why did the media get a scientific study so wrong? Because they mostly relied on friends of the authors to interpret the peer-reviewed paper.

James C. Coyne


The Great Wave off Kanagawa: Metropolitan Museum of Art — Public Domain

Inaccurate portrayal of a Lancet Psychiatry paper in the media points to more pervasive problems in the quality of the reporting of scientific findings.

In my last article (Debunking 1 in 5 COVID-19 Patients Develop Mental Illness), I debunked a claim circulating around the world — that a Lancet Psychiatry study found 1 in 5 COVID-19 patients would become mentally ill in the first 3 months after diagnosis.

Researchers drew on the electronic health records (EHRs) from a US managed health care system to match 62,354 patients COVID-19 with patients with 6 other medical diagnoses.

Claims about mental illness were based on recording in the electronic health records of mental health diagnoses 14–90 days after diagnosis of COVID-19 or the comparison health conditions. These diagnoses of mental…



James C. Coyne

Socially conscious Clinical Health Psychologist. Skeptic debunking hype and pseudoscience. Defender of freedom of expression without undue fear of reprisal