Reactions after Receiving My COVID-19 Vaccine

I describe the twenty-four hours following my COVID-19 vaccine.

Julian Willett, MD, PhD


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

There is a lot of misinformation regarding COVID-19 vaccines. I have written multiple articles on my Medium page documenting the objective aspects of COVID-19, including vaccine side effects. Yesterday, I was fortunate to receive my COVID-19 vaccine as some researchers had the opportunity to sign up for it.

I flowed through the registration at the vaccination center relatively quickly. As with every other medical procedure, I was appropriately asked for contraindications to the vaccine (have I had reactions to vaccines in the past). The center exists so people who have severe reactions can be cared for (a stretcher in a section of the arena with a cart with the appropriate equipment). I was at the center for around an hour, and no one occupied that aspect of the stadium. All staff I interacted with were knowledgeable and respectful.

The vaccine itself was painless. The needle is very small. I kept my arm relaxed during the shot, which helps further decrease any pain. I have an allergy to shellfish (and, per an allergy test, the entire outside world), and I experienced no symptoms in line with an anaphylactic reaction or any allergic reaction. I left after 15 minutes and carried on my daily activities without any…



Julian Willett, MD, PhD

Loving husband. Physician scientist who enjoys spreading his knowledge and experiences with the world whether related to medicine, science, or his hobbies.