Reduce Your Chances of Dementia by 42%. Maybe.

The first study of its kind has demonstrated a link between cognitive decline and a condition of high blood sugar which can be reversed.

Published in
4 min readFeb 22, 2021


How’s your blood sugar? If your blood still contains a higher than normal amount of sugar after a whole night's sleep and no breakfast, you may be classified as prediabetic; a step towards full-blown type 2 diabetes. It’s estimated that eighty-eight million people in the US are prediabetic, and 84% of that jaw-dropping number are ignorant about their condition. That’s one in three people at risk of diabetes, a condition strongly associated with cognitive health issues.

Recent research from the UK has uncovered what many people have suspected for some time; that high blood sugar may be playing a role in cognitive decline before type 2 diabetes takes over.

The study

Scientists at the University College London (UCL) delved into the dataset of 500,000 people with an average age of 58. They discovered that prediabetic people increased their chances of cognitive decline by 42% over four years. In their group, vascular dementia, caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, was raised by 54%. Even after age, low socioeconomic status, smoking, body mass index (BMI), and…



Tim Rees

Registered clinical nutritionist. At war with autoimmunity. Diets & tips on website. The Nutrition Chronicles (Substack). Meat eater.