Seven Highly Effective Home Remedies to Conquer a Covid-19 Infection

How to use diet and lifestyle to overcome a COVID infection

Fred Swartley
16 min readMay 22, 2022


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For the past two years, life on this planet has changed significantly due to the presence of the novel coronavirus and its specific variant, COVID-19. COVID-19 has altered life all across the globe and resulted in massive economic, health, and relational upheaval. COVID-19 has permanently changed the trajectory of many people’s lives, and many are still dealing with the impact of this virus.

Even though COVID-19 has slowed down its activity during 2021 and 2022, it is still very prominent across the globe. According to the CDC, the average number of daily COVID cases in the U.S. was 64, 781 on May 4th, 2022. Also, the number of daily COVID deaths reported on May 9, 2022, was 367. Additionally, an average of 19,009 people were hospitalized from COVID on May 9th.

COVID is probably not going to disappear anytime soon. New strains and variants of COVID 19 are constantly emerging due to genetic mutations of the virus. The most prominent variants of COVID have been the delta variant, which emerged in October 2020, and the omicron variant, which was discovered in November 2021. Both of these variants are stated to be more contagious than the original SARS-Cov-2 virus.

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Most people have focused on protecting against COVID through vaccinations. Though the vaccination may help prevent infection, it does not guarantee full protection against COVID. Many people who have been vaccinated still become infected with COVID. This is called a breakthrough infection.

Additionally, authorities believe that the original vaccination will not be as effective in protecting against the new variants of COVID such as delta and Omicron.

Also, many people choose not to become vaccinated because of personal reasons. Many are concerned about the safety of this vaccination and are not yet willing to subject their bodies to it.

In light of these facts, it is probable that many of us will still become infected with COVID-19 in the near future. Some of us may also become re-infected with the virus at a later time. Even the healthiest of us are not immune to developing this highly contagious virus.

So, it’s best that we develop a plan of attack if we do contract this virus. We need to know how fight and overcome this virus so that it does not destroy us. We need to know how to effectively support our body’s immune system and natural defense mechanisms.

COVID is a viral infection, just like the flu and common cold. However, COVID is caused by a different virus than the flu and common cold. Additionally, COVID tends to be more severe than the flu or cold. COVID tends to cause symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, diarrhea and loss of taste and smell.

There is currently no cure for COVID. However, there are many natural remedies that can significantly improve COVID symptoms and shorten the duration this illness.

Here are seven natural strategies that will empower you to effectively fight off a COVID infection. These strategies have been proven to be effective by many people in fighting off COVID infections. These remedies will also help treat a cold or flu:

1. Healthy Diet

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Eating a healthy, nutritious diet is vital to overcome any illness including COVID. You need lots of nutrients to aid your immune system in fighting off the virus.

You should focus on eating a diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods. You should consume a lot of low-carb fruits and vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats. Some excellent foods to boost your immunity include berries, kiwi, bananas, tomatoes, lemons and lime, oranges, grapefruit, spirulina and moringa. However, the superstar foods for fighting off viruses are garlic, onions and ginger. These foods have strong anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Try to include some of these foods at every meal to really boost your immunity.

One excellent way to obtain more immune-boosting nutrients is to make a superfood smoothie. You can make a smoothie filled with berries, lemon, avocados, bananas, spirulina, moringa and other nutrient-rich foods. This will flood your body with antioxidants and powerful nutrients to fight disease. Try to consume a superfood smoothie daily when you are sick.

Also, it’s important to avoid added and processed sugar when you are sick. Sugar directly weakens the immune system, and will hinder your chances of recovering fully and quickly. Avoid all sugary foods such candy, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream and cereal. Also avoid starchy foods such as bread, rice and pasta, which still contain processed sugar and little nutrients. Additionally, avoid soda, energy drinks, fruit juices and other sugary drinks. These drinks are loaded with sugar and artificial ingredients that will greatly stress your body.

2. Supplements

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A healthy diet is certainly important and foundational for recovering form COVID. However, it is difficult to obtain enough of the top immune-boosting nutrients from diet alone. To obtain a therapeutic dose of these nutrients, you need to supplement.

The top nutrients you need to support you immune system include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, selenium, vitamin E and NAC. These all play an important role in both innate and acquired immunity.

However, you do not need to supplement with all of these nutrients. You only need to focus on the nutrients that have been shown to be most effective in fighting COVID. These nutrients are vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin and NAC. These are the top nutrients for immune function and have also been shown to be the top anti-COVID nutrients.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which directly boosts white blood cells. You can take oral vitamin C until bowel tolerance, the point at which it causes diarrhea. This means that most people will be able to tolerate around 3 to 5 grams of vitamin C. Also, it’s best to take liposomal vitamin C for maximum absorption.

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Vitamin D is another powerful nutrient that plays a critical role in immune function. Vitamin D helps to modulate immune cells and help ensure a immune proper response. Vitamin D also activates T-cells and guides them to the correct locations to do their work. Additionally, vitamin D helps lower inflammation and prevent “cytokine storms.”

Vitamin D has also been shown to have a powerful impact in preventing and treating COVID. One 2020 study examined adults living in Italy and Spain. This study found that the people living in these countries had lower levels of vitamin D and higher rates of COVID-19.

This same study also examined adults living in Norway, Finland and Sweden. The study discovered that the people living in these countries had higher levels of vitamin D and lower rates of COVID-19.

Vitamin D has also been shown to impact the severity of symptoms that COVID patients experience. One study conducted by the University of Southeastern Phillipines examined the vitamin D levels in COVID patients. The study found that patients with high vitamin D levels had less severe symptoms and complications from COVID than those with low vitamin D levels.

Thus, there seems to be a clear correlation between having sufficient vitamin D and reduced risk of COVID infection, death and severe symptoms.

Your vitamin D levels should be between 40–60 ng/mL for optimal health. And you should increase your vitamin D to around 70 to 100ng/mL if you have cancer or an autoimmune disease.

Unless you are sunbathing all day, you should supplement with vitamin D3 to maintain optimal levels. You should supplement with around 2000 to 10,000 IU daily for a maintenance dose. However, if you are looking to increase your vitamin D levels or have a COVID infection, you can take larger doses for short periods of time. You can safely take megadoses of 50,000 to 100,000 IU of vitamin for SHORT periods of time. Just remember to check with your doctor first before taking these large doses.

Also, it’s best to find a vitamin D3 supplement that includes vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 works together with vitamin D3 to transport calcium to the correct places in the body.

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Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a powerful role in immune function. Zinc helps to produce and maintain adequate levels of immune cells, including B cells, T cells, macrophages, neutrophils, etc. Zinc is also a powerful antioxidant and helps reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Zinc has been most associated with helping to treat the symptoms of the common cold. However, Zinc can also play an important role is helping to overcome COVID since it is also a viral infection. Laboratory studies have shown evidence that zinc stops the replication of viruses within the DNA. Additionally, one study in Spain found that COVID patients who had higher levels of zinc recovered faster and had less severe symptoms than those who were deficient.

There have not been many studies showing the effectiveness of zinc on treating COVID. However, since zinc is a vital part of the immune system, it should be included in any COVID protocal.

A good daily maintainence dose of zinc is about 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. However, during a COVID infection you can take larger does of around 40 to 80 mg of zinc to attain a therapeutic affect. It’s best to take some copper with zinc because they work together and have a synergystic effect in the body.

The most bioavailable forms of zinc are picolonate, glycinate and methionine. Always opt for one of these forms when taking a zinc supplement.

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Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant that is found in many plants such as onions, black tea, apples, berries and red wine. Quercetin has powerful anti-inflammatories properties and helps to prevent heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Research has shown the quercetin may have potential to prevent the infection of COVID. Quercetin may have the ability to bind to COVID cells and inhibit them from entering human cells. More research is needed to confirm this premise, but the results look promising.

Quercetin has also been shown to act as a zinc ionosphere. This means that quercetin helps transport zinc into the center of the cell, where it can inhibit viral replication. Thus, it’s advisible to take zinc and quercetin together because of their synergystic effect at prohibiting viruses.

The recommended doseage of quercetin is about 500 to 1000 mg daily. Many quercetin supplements also have vitamin C or bromelain to increase the bioavailability of quercetin.

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N-Aceytal Cysteine (NAC) is the supplement form of the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine helps the body regulate mucus secretions. It also aids in the production of glutathione, which is the body’s master antioxidant.

New research is showing that NAC can be effective at preventing and treating COVID symptoms. One 2020 study from Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management showed that NAC may be effective in preventing COVID infections. Another 2020 study from the journal Future Microbiology concluded that 600 mg/day of NAC could be protective against COVID, especially for those who are repeatedly exposed to it. Additionally, NAC has been shown to be effective in treating patients who are critically ill with sepsis or COVID infections.

3. Hydration

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Staying hydrated is another important component of healing from any illness, including COVID. This is because water is essential for immune cells to function properly. Water helps to transport nutrients to immune cells. Water also aids in supporting detoxifcation through the liver and lymphatic system.

COVID can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and fever. All of these symptoms can cause lead to dehydration. Thus, it’s important to keep yourself well hydrated to replenish the fluids that you are losing.

It’s commonly recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. However, when you have an illness, you body’s need for water increases. Thus, you should drink far more than normal when you are sick with COVID or any other illness.

Also, it’s important to consume electrolytes with your water. Electrolytes such as sodium and potassium help transport water into the cells. Drinking only water without electrolytes can cause imbalances and lead to a condition called hyponatirmia.

One common way to include electrolytes with your water is to sprinkle a little pink salt in your glass. You can use pink salts such as Redman’s Real or Himalayan pink salt. Another idea is to consume electrolyte drinks such as coconut water. However, sports drinks such as gatorade are NOT a good source of electrolytes because they contain large amounts of sugar and preservities.

Always be sure to drink purified water. Tap water contains many toxins and contaminents that you do not want in your body.

You can get a reverse osmosis water purifier for your house or you can use a high quality water pitcher purifier such as Crystal Quest.

4. Rest

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It may seem obvious, but adequate rest is crucial for overcoming a COVID infection or any other illness. Your body is fighting an intense battle, and you need plenty of rest to help it attain the victory.

You should prioritize sleep during a COVID infection. Your body sleeps best during the hours before midnight, so aim to hit the sack around 9 or 10pm at the latest. Also, allow yourself plenty of time to sleep in during the morning. Don’t push yourself to get up if your body is exhausted.

It can be challening to sleep well during an illness, even though your body is exhausted. The pain and nausea can keep you lying awake at night, tossing and turning in discomfort.

Fortunately, however, there are remedies that can help you sleep more soundly during a COVID illness. There are many supplements that can aid in obtaining deeper sleep. Magnesium glycinate, l-threonate and melatonin can all be helpful in falling asleep and sleeping more soundly. Try taking one of these supplements about half an hour before bed.

Maintaining proper sleep hygiene is another excellent strategy for obtaining better sleep. Taking a hot or cold shower before bed can help you feel better and relax. Reading can also be relaxing and has been shown to aid in sleep. In fact, one study found that reading just six minutes before bed reduces stress levels by 68 percent! Listening to music and meditating are other ways to wind down and prepare your mind for sleep.

Also, it can be very beneficial to take naps when you are fighting a COVID infection. Try napping for 30 minutes to 1 hour each day until you have recovered. The extra rest will make a significant impact on your recovery.

However, it’s best to avoid napping too late in the day because this can interfere with sleep. Try to take your naps before 5pm.

5. Movement

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When you have an illness such as COVID, you feel sluggish and weak. You don’t feel motivated to do anything or go anywhere. It’s tempting to lay around and do nothing.

Certainly it’s important to obtain adequate rest and not push yourself too hard. However, too much rest can actually hinder your chances of recovery. Laying around all day will only cause you to feel more lethargic and depressed. Unless you are severely ill, you should aim to stay as active as possible and incoporate some light movement into your day.

Movement is important for recovery for several reasons. First, movement helps to oxygenate the body. Movement increases the flow of blood and oxygen throughout our entire body. Also, movement helps clear fluid out of the lungs. Staying active will help decongest the lungs and treat conditions such as pneumonia and bronchitis. Additionally, movement activates the lymphatic system, which carries toxins, bacteria, viruses and other wastes away from the cells. Finally, staying active will improve your mood and help you stay motivated to keep fighting COVID.

There are many ways to stay active while recovering from COVID. You can take light walks around your neighborhood or yard. You can do some easy yoga stretches. You can also do some light housecleaning and cook your meals.

However, it is important to avoid intense exercise and anything that would be too stressful on the body. Don’t try to run a 5k race or bench press your personal best. Focus on light, easy exercises that help keep your blood moving and the oxygen flowing.

Pay attention to your body. Try some light exercise. If you feel good, increase the duration and the intensity of the exercise. If it feels too intense, then back off and wait until you feel better.

6. Essential Oils

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Essential oils are another natural remedy that can be used to boost your immune system and fight against a COVID infection. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years as plant medicine and are still being used today to treat a wide range of diseases.

Essential oils are volitile compounds made through steam distillation or mechanical means such as cold pressing. Essential oils have been concentrated and separated from the rest of the plant.

Essential oils can be a powerful remedy for healing many pathological conditions, including COVID. Many essential oils have antimicrobial and anti-viral properties, including basil, lavendar, eucalyptus, lemon, lime, peppermint, rosemary and sage.

Another way that essential oils can be useful in fighting COVID is by improving respiratory function. Many essential oils are excellent for the lungs and help to open up the airways.

The best essential oils to improve respiratory function include peppermint, lavendar, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary and tea tree oil. These oils contain compounds which help to decongest the lungs and nasal cavity and open up the airways. They can be used in treating respiratory illnesses related to COVID, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Essential oils can be used in three different ways. The primary way essential oils are used is by directly inhaling the oils. This is also known as aromatherapy. You can diffuse the essential oils in your house and breathe in the scent. You can also simply rub a few drops of essential oils on your hands or a cloth, hold it up to your nose and breathe in the vapors.

Another way to use essential oils is by putting them on your skin. However, you should not rub the oils directly on your skin because they are very potent. Instead, you should dilute the essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut or sesame oil. You can then apply the diluted essential oils on your temple, feet, neck, inner wrists or abdomen.

A third way to use essential oils is to consume them internally. You can put a few drops of an essential oil in a glass of water or smoothie. However, you must be very careful about consuming essential oils internally. You should only consume a drop or two and some oils should never be used internally. The woody oils, such as cedar, wintergreen and cypress are not safe to consume internally.

Always remember that essential oils are very potent and should be used with caution. You only need to use one or two drops of the oil at a time. Using too much of an essential oil can cause more harm than good.

7. Breathing Exercises

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COVID can cause many stymptoms throughout the body, including cough, sore throat, fever and muscle aches. However, COVID is primarily a respiratory disease and targets its attack on the lungs. COVID can cause shortness of breath and difficulty breathing and more severe cases can result in pneumonia or bronchitis.

Thus, to treat and heal from COVID effectively, it’s important to care for the health of your lungs. One way to care for your lungs is to practice breathing exercises. Breathing exercises help to strengthen the lungs, improve oxygen consumption and cleanse the lungs of stale air.

There are many different types of breathing exercises that you can practice. Here are a few of them:

a. Pursed lip breathing

This type of breathing involves breathing in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. You need to make the exhale twice as long as the inhale.This type of breathing reduces the number breaths and allows more oxygen to enter the lungs.

b. Belly breathing

Another common type of breathing is called belly or diaphramic breathing. This involves expanding your belly and diaphram to take deeper breaths. Belly breathing expands the lungs and allows you to inhale greater amounts of air. It’s easiest to practice belly breathing while laying on your back. This allows you to pay more attention to the movements of your belly and diaphram.

c. Alternate nostril breathing

This type of breathing involves alternating your breaths between nostrils. In this exercise you inhale through the left nostril while the right nostril is closed. Then you exhale through right nostril while the left nostril is closed. This type of breathing helps calm and center the mind and body.

d. Humming

Humming is also an effective healing remedy for the lungs. Humming increases the production of nitric oxide in the lungs by 15 to 20 percent. Nitric oxide increases oxygen consumption in the lungs and is also anti-viral, antibacterial and antifungal.

You can achieve an even greater effect by combining humming with belly breathing. Just inhale through your nose and then exhale while humming.

Practice these breathing exercises on a regular basis and you will see a marked improvement in your respiratory symptoms. However, it may take about three to six months to fully regain the strength of your lungs. And if your lung injury was more severe it may take even longer to recover. The key is to be consistent with your exercises and you will see progress.

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COVID can be rough on anyone and cause many days of pure misery. But if you practice these seven strategies, you will give yourself a significant chance to recover quickly and minimize your symptoms. Happy healing!

  1. Key Supplements
  2. Hydration
  3. Movement
  4. Sleep



Fred Swartley

functional nutritionist. writer. finance guru. follower of Christ. subscribe to my health and wellness newsletter: