Spilling The Tea About Tea — What Kinds You Should Be Drinking More Of And Why

A scientifically steeped article on the health rating of different teas, with evidence-based advice on how to reap the best benefits

Alexandra Walker-Jones


As the single most popular — and healthiest — beverage after water, tea has long been established a staple fixture in the routines of many, with people from all different cultures and backgrounds averaging an incredible 2.16 billion cups per day.

Dating as far back as the 3rd century AD, tea drinking is often touted for its medicinal value and range of impressive side effects within the body — and with over 20,000 different teas to choose from, it’s hard to go wrong!

When it comes to choosing your tea based on the benefits it has to offer, however, there are a few key things to take into consideration. This article is here to break it down for you.

White And Green Teas

Technically speaking, only black, green, white, and oolong teas are actually derived from Camellia sinensis, aka the tea plant. Herbal ‘teas’, on the other hand, are derived from precisely any plant aside from the tea plant. Pretty interesting, if you asked me.



Alexandra Walker-Jones

Content writer and published author in the plant-based health and wellness sphere. I’m just here to learn! awalkerjones.com