Stay Connected, Stay Joyful

Lida Fatemi
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2020

How to reconnect to yourself and family during and after coming off clinical service

Photo taken by Emily Maturo

I just finished a 14 day stretch on Inpatient Wards, on a hot July month, 34 weeks pregnant, working with a team of super talented interns and residents.

As Attending physicians, we don’t take time off during our 14 days on service. Once I’m off, getting back to the groove of life takes time.

I come off feeling like I’m still being pulled in a million directions.

The constant paging,

The constant demands from the floor,

Whether small or big,

It goes on all day long.

I feel so torn.

Having to constantly and instantly respond,

To the demands of others without a break.

Multi-Tasking, Multi-Thinking in Medicine,

Tears us apart.

Coming back to a normal life becomes a hassle.

It takes time and effort to connect to myself,

Sometimes it takes days.

It takes longer to connect with my family,

Which is a shame and time wasted.

I’m much more joyful when I’m Still.

I’m much happier when I’m Conscious. I’m able to make decisions on how I want to live.

After 14 days of not having a day off, it’s harder to stay still inside. It takes more work. It takes more time.

This is why it’s so important to have systems in place that keep me connected throughout. I get more fatigued towards the end, which makes it even more important to keep to my routine. Otherwise, I fall apart and it takes many days to get back to life.

In the meantime I suffer, my family suffers.

As the Founder of Conscious Physician, I’m constantly reflecting and contemplating on what connects me to an enjoyable life. Here’s what helps me while I’m on my long stretches of work.

I hope it’ll help you on your journey too:

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash


I recommend twenty minutes twice a day or until you feel Still inside.

1. Note your breathing.

2. Note all the sounds close and faraway.

3. Feel your body. Feel the breeze and sunshine caressing your skin.

4. Feel your connection to the earth.

5. Accept your mood and feelings — Don’t try to change or push them away. Accept them. Acceptance dissolves the unsettled feelings and reminds you to love yourself.

6. Feel the Stillness within and sit with it as long as you want. Savor it until the meditation ends.


Stay connected and observe them. Stay Still with them. Accept them for what they are. Don’t try to change them. Listen to them. This is a daily habit. Don’t sway from it.

Creative Outlet

Nowadays, my outlet is writing. I enjoy sharing my thoughts, my feelings, my creativity with the world. I’ve noticed that after I write, I feel free of busy thoughts.

Find what speaks to you, find what brings you Stillness.

This is the way of living a Conscious Physician's life. Continually working on the Inner-Self in relation to the Outer-World to be able to serve ourselves, humanity, and our planet.

Lida Fatemi, DO, MPH

Founder of

