How to Find The Courage to Move On

Lessons learned from dealing with grief.

Chinyere Okoh
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

Show them that hope exists. Show them that there is daylight on the other side of darkness.
~Jayne Castel, Darkest before Dawn.

Life has not always been easy for me. Hard work, religion, and family were recipes for success and contentment. I never had time to play or think like a child. I grew up taking more responsibilities and constantly having others rely on me. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for my humble upbringing for it instilled in me great skills and qualities that I find very invaluable, even to this day.

However, life is not perfect and circumstances occur beyond our control. No one taught me about dealing with pain, betrayal, sorrow, and grief. Until life dealt me a hard blow that knocked me off my feet.

My first glimpse of grief was when my mum passed on a few months ago. She was my pillar, strength, inspiration, and role model. She gave so much raising eight children, sacrificing all to ensure her children completed and obtained university education. I owe my success to her. I am indeed fortunate to have known her.

I was lost for a while, reminiscing every moment and delving deeper into the loneliness. Through the stages of grief, I learned valuable life lessons:

  1. Never take people for granted. Take time to express love and build relationships
  2. Be mindful of your actions and how they could affect others
  3. Practice gratitude — for you have so much to be grateful for
  4. Be emotionally intelligent. When relating with others remember that people are shaped by belief, experience, and culture. Take time to understand them
  5. Be focused and intentional in achieving your goals — life is too short
  6. Be true to yourself. Take time to grief. Define the metrics you will utilize during the griefing process.
  7. Live life to the fullest!

Above all, always be hopeful that a great future awaits you!

Photo by Hatham on Unsplash

Hope is fragile and yet, so hard to extinguish. Despite life challenges, hope keeps us moving and searching for happiness. It is that quiet voice that keeps pushing us, even when all seem impossible until we finally reach our goals.

Let us ignite that tiny voice within us. Believing in our dreams and their fulfillment. No matter how dire a circumstance is, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

The strength and the courage to move on lie within you — have the courage to do so.

In memory of my mum and to all that have lost loved ones, may you find the strength to live life to the fullest, knowing you are not along in your struggles!!

Chinyere Okoh ©2021



Chinyere Okoh

Pharmacist & Health Researcher | Aspiring world traveler, writer | Stimulating you to a better you in challenging times