The Essential Guide To EMDR Trauma Therapy

An introduction and background for therapists and clients

Lisa Bradburn


Women’s mental health. The concept of the nervous system of the brain. Thought process and psychology. Brain fog, post-covid syndrome, brain aging
Thought process and psychology | Image courtesy of Pavlova Yuliia, Shutterstock

Personal interest

In December 2023, I completed a comprehensive EMDR or Eye Motor Desensitization Reprocessing certification through the Manchester College of Coaching & Hypnotherapy based in the UK.

Given my success in utilizing EMDR to overcome specific traumas in my life, I dedicate the remainder of my years to supporting clients to heal from deep-rooted issues when traditional talk therapy or embodied work may not be enough.

While I have written on EMDR in the past (see bottom of story), I feel a more direct, clinical approach will provide greater context. I aim to educate and inform readers about EMDR so that society will understand and embrace the protocol in the mainstream.

Introduction And Background

EMDR, or Eye Motor Desensitisation Reprocessing, was developed in 1987 by an American Psychologist, Francine Shapiro. Francine noticed her anxiety diminished when she walked through the woods and looked to the left and right. According to The New York Times 2011 obituary:

She built the case for therapy based on eye movement one person at a time, experimenting first on herself and then on…



Lisa Bradburn

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Agile Coach at the intersection of technology, faith and the human condition. Let’s chat: