The Evolution of Family Systems Theory

Contrasting theories and approaches of Haley, Minuchin, Satir, and Bowen with Gestalt Psychotherapy.

Lisa Bradburn


Abstract construction from wooden blocks with copy space.
Abstract shapes representing family | Image By Radachynskyi Serhii, Shutterstock

This article aims to compare and contrast the theories and approaches of Jay Haley, Salvador Minuchin, Virginia Satir, and Murray Bowen with the Gestalt theory of human development. I will demonstrate various systems theory approaches as a resource for the therapist within the Gestalt Psychotherapy relational approach.

Family Systems Theory Evolution

The significant difference in Gestalt psychotherapy and Family Systems theory approaches lies with the founders and their worldview. In the 1950s, Fritz Perls developed the individualist Gestalt philosophy, one, according to where:

the person is as a fully integrated being functioning through time and space where an individual’s psychological components do not operate in isolation.

The focus on the individual impacts patient treatment; explains:

In Gestalt theory a patient cannot expect to be successfully treated if individual symptoms and psychological components are only addressed. For treatment…



Lisa Bradburn

Psychotherapist (RPQ) & Agile Coach at the intersection of technology, faith and the human condition. Let’s chat: