The Lawn You Love Is Killing Your Mental Health By Your Pesticide Use

Dr. Patricia Farrell
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2023


Weeds and bugs are only two of the things you're killing because the most important thing you don’t think about is your mental health.

Photo by Green Prophet on Unsplash

A lush, green lawn was once thought to be a desirable sign of having made it and attained the American dream—a home of one’s own. But research regarding how we maintain those lawns and what they truly cost in terms of our mental health and that of our families provides a shocking fact: they can be lethal to us. “Numerous studies over the last two decades have demonstrated links between pesticide exposure and conditions affecting the brain and mental health, such as Parkinson’s Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, and dementia.”

When it comes to agricultural workers or people working in landscaping, the effects are even more dire. Setting out to spray away the dreadful pests that chew up our bushes and attack those green carpets that front our homes, these workers are putting themselves at risk of not simply mental health difficulties, but serious health impairments. How many landscapers have you seen wearing protective clothing?

All functional groups (studied), as well as pesticide classes like organochlorines, organophosphates, and carbamates, were significantly associated with a higher risk of probable



Dr. Patricia Farrell

Dr. Farrell is a psychologist, consultant, author, and member of SAG/AFTRA, interested in flash fiction writing ( and health.