The Nuances of Healthcare Coverage

Health is a Right, personal, and Quintessential to Sustaining Life's Quality from nativity to departure. It is comparable to other Individual Rights, such as the food we ingest and the air we inhale. Still, some of us confuse 'Health' with 'Healthcare.'



Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Health is fundamental and the most precious asset of every human being. On the same scale, it is also the most abused and costly thing to maintain in the modern sense. Healthcare is the most common empirical theme of human life for which one has to prepare perpetually; thus, from a business perspective, it makes it one of the most, if not the only, crowded markets in the world.

The healthcare market is desirable to corporations, even to those of non-medical entities. The latter is the upshot of the vacuum created by the misleading semantics, extreme rhetoric, and business-driven intentions around health and healthcare. Of course, realistically speaking, one doesn't need to blame the business of healthcare delivery, as it is nothing but reimbursing for a medical service based on quality, supply, and demand. But it is about the covert tactical and strategic plan embracing the particular service. The alternate mission serves as the driving factor…




In this vast tapestry of existence, I weave my thoughts and observations about all facets of life, offering a perspective that is uniquely my own.