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The Other “I” In Innovation

The simple reality is that transformation can be more about the implementor than the innovator.

Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2022


Today, everyone wants to be an innovator. Technology may be the tool, the the path to fame and fortune prototypically is also about that person who drives change with the bravado of a thunderbolt! It’s the “cult of personality” that creates the brand and drives adoption and sales. But that’s far from the complete story. While the lightening of innovation may be articulated by the charismatic leader, the functional reality of success is largely driven by the more mundane aspects around the diffusion of innovation and adoption. After all, what good is a great product that nobody notices?

Technological innovation is critical for businesses to stay competitive. But it’s not just the technology itself that matters — it’s how the technology is implemented. That’s where the real difference lies between successful and unsuccessful businesses. In fact, it’s the judicious application of innovation to marketplace needs that create the powerful solutions.

Successful businesses don’t just have innovative technology, they have systems and processes in place to ensure that the technology is used effectively. They establish smart marketing plans building upon a solid positioning statement. They invest in…




I’m a technology theorist driving innovation at humanity’s tipping point.