The Perils of Colorful Sweets

Michael Hunter, MD


EARLY-ONSET COLORECTAL CANCER INCIDENCE IS rising, with more disease cases among those under age 50 years. The risk has been rising globally since the early 1990s. Scientists project a remarkable 90 percent increase in colon cancer incidence over the next decade and a 124 percent increase in rectal cancer incidence.

We do not have a handle on why this incidence rise among young people is rising, at the same time as the risk for older folks is decreasing. Some speculate that the cause is increased consumption of a Westernized diet (think lots of added sugar, red and processed meat, and refined grains).

Suboptimal diet

Even though I am aware of the numerous problems with the American diet, this statistic rocked me: Sixty percent of the Standard American Diet is made of ultra-processed foods such as industrial baked sweets, soft drinks, and processed meat.

This suboptimal diet is associated with a higher risk of colon and rectal cancer. However, I don't believe we have high-level evidence, and the studies are inconsistent.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Look at the picture above, and you see pretty colorful and ultra-processed food. My office break…



Michael Hunter, MD

I have degrees from Harvard, Yale, and Penn. I am a radiation oncologist in the Seattle area. You may find me regularly posting at