The “Second Wave” Is MUCH MUCH Worse

This ain’t no “wave”…it’s a Category 5 hurricane

Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2020


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

I recently shared my angst about the coming of the dreaded “second wave” of COVID-19, about the menace that it poses and how it permeated everything around us. Well, the second wave has hit us full-on. And it’s so much worse than the first wave in the Spring.

The numbers are so much worse this time around. There are so many more patients with COVID-19 this time. Our institution has long surpassed the number of patients hospitalized in the Spring. Each day, patient after patient after patient with COVID keeps coming, and they keep getting admitted to the hospital.

We all hate this disease, we are sick of it, and we can’t wait for it to go away.

Every day, more patients are being admitted to our ICU because they can’t breathe despite remdesivir, despite steroids, despite high, high amounts of oxygen. And when we place them on ventilators, the outcomes still are not good.

And the patients are still so scared. It’s scary not being able to breathe. It’s scary being all alone in the hospital. It’s scary having a mask plastered to your face for hours on end, only to have a tube put down your throat anyway.



Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa

NY Times featured Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist | Physician Leader | Author and Blogger | His latest book is “Code Blue,” a medical thriller.