The Secret of Longevity — Breathing Right and Expanding Your Lungs

A book review of how nose breathing improves our health

Dina Zuko (she/her)


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June 2020. I am running uphill and breathing through my nose. I am struggling. I feel like I do not get any air. My lungs are starving for oxygen. I am panicking, experiencing pure fear and terror. I am afraid that this will kill me. Why am I doing this to myself I ask myself. I can’t do it any longer. I breathe through my mouth.

It all started a few weeks earlier. I had just lost my job due to the Covid-19 pandemic and had a lot of free time all of the sudden. I wanted to read something interesting and I stumbled upon this amazing book. Even though I found the book by chance I think I might have found the secret to a long healthy life.

The book was “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” by journalist James Nestor. Wow. What an eye-opening experience. This is one of the books that everyone should read. Especially nowadays when our lungs need to be in good shape if we were to catch the Covid-19 virus.

Ask for this book for Christmas or buy it for yourself. This book is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Lifechanging.

The book is about the importance of breathing right. No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of…

