This Everyday Habit is Slowly Killing You (and Exercise Won’t Save You)
My legs and butt ache just thinking about it.
Sixty hours.
That’s a staggering 60 hours the average millennial spends glued to a chair each week.
Let that shocking statistic sink in for a moment.
Between soul-crushing commutes, endless Zoom meetings, and evenings lost to our screen’s mesmerizing glow, millennials have become a generation defined by sitting.
But what if this seemingly harmless habit is silently sabotaging health?
And what about those who regularly hit the gym?
Today, I will delve into a disturbing link between a sedentary lifestyle and a host of health problems, from heart disease to premature aging.
Prolonged Sitting and Health
Researchers recently analyzed over 1,000 former or current Colorado (U.S.) residents.
They had access to Colorado University’s Colorado Adoption/Twin Study of Lifespan Behavioral Development and Cognitive Aging (CATSLife). This comprehensive study has followed twins and…