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Trying to Discuss the Science Behind Polyvagal Theory in Psychotherapy, but Getting Static
Dialogue with scientists is impossible when promoters of polyvagal theory claim laypersons directly observe scientific phenomena that scientists are denying.
In my last Medium article, I criticized the daft cluelessness with which a leading proponent of polyvagal theory, social worker Deb Dana, tosses around scientific concepts in an article in Psychotherapy Networker about polyvagal theory.
The Networker article was a thinly disguised advertisement, a promotion of products and services offered by Deb Dana and Stephen Porges.
Porges is sometimes a co-author and regularly a co-presenter with Dana but he commands a greater authority for his own books than Dana ever will. Yet Porges is less of the revivalist preacher on the circuit bringing polyvagal theory to the flock. He needs Dana like Mormons need folks to send abroad to find converts.