Uninsured Children; Time for Us to Help Kids Get Access to High-Quality Healthcare

This back-to-school initiative helps parents find options.

Dr Jeff Livingston


Photo: Fizkes Istock/Getty Images

Children are returning to the classroom. Excited parents sit in the carpool lane with mixed emotions triggered by the rise in Covid-19 cases caused by the more contagious Delta variant.

One of the most important steps parents can take to keep their children healthy is is ensuring the child has access to high-quality healthcare. Many children and teens are eligible for free or low-cost health insurance through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services launched a program called Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign. The public health campaign is designed to help parents find the available health coverage options for uninsured children through state Medicaid and CHIP programs.

Every US State offers free or low-cost healthcare to eligible children. These programs provide essential healthcare services such as checkups, office visits, vaccines, dental care, mental and behavioral health services, and eye exams.

Many children got behind on checkups during the pandemic. Now, it is time to help get them back on track.



Dr Jeff Livingston

Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of MacArthurmc.com & founder of Medika.life