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Unlocking One Secret to a Healthy Heart — Move

Michael Hunter, MD
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2023


A HEALTHY HEART IS VITAL FOR WELL-BEING and longevity. Heart disease remains a leading cause of death worldwide, emphasizing the importance of understanding the secrets to maintaining heart health. While no magical solution exists, this essay explores a holistic approach to unlocking one secret of a healthy heart — move.

I am particularly sensitive to the topic, as my extraordinary father died of cardiovascular disease in his 86th year. How many people can call Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King friends? Or co-found a community college to open doors for the less privileged?

Patrick “Jack” Hunter. Photo courtesy of the author.

Of course, regularly tending to your heart health should not be limited to those of us who have lost a loved one to cardiovascular disease. Moreover, you don’t have to go extreme regarding risk reduction.

I focus on adopting lifestyle changes, including engaging in physical activity, following a heart-healthy diet, managing stress, and staying connected with loved ones.

This approach should significantly improve my heart health and reduce my risk of cardiovascular disease.

Movement and Longevity



Michael Hunter, MD

I have degrees from Harvard, Yale, and Penn. I am a radiation oncologist in the Seattle area. You may find me regularly posting at