
Wanna Lose Weight? Walk versus Run

Exercise and calorie burn. And a bit about the afterburn following vigorous exercise.

Michael Hunter, MD
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2020


Running burns more calories, but at what cost? Photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi on Unsplash

Honestly, any movement can provide health benefits. It seems intuitive that running would be better than walking. But is this really true? Does the fact that more calories are burned through running make it the preferred approach? On the other hand, walking seems relatively easy. However, I have designed walking programs for myself that are rigorous and not easy. Today we explore the relative merits and demerits of walking versus running in terms of weight loss.

Weight loss: Run or walk?

It seems intuitively obvious that running burns more calories per minute than does walking. On the other hand, you may have challenges keeping up a higher intensity for a long period of time. Let’s look a little more closely at caloric expenditures.

Theoretically, there is a speed at which walking and running burn similar numbers of calories per minute. Do you know what speed that is? It is approximately 5 miles per hour. Unless you are a trained race walker, good luck walking at that speed. Advantage, running.

Continuing this thought process, is there a certain running speed after which further increases…



Michael Hunter, MD

I have degrees from Harvard, Yale, and Penn. I am a radiation oncologist in the Seattle area. You may find me regularly posting at