What Steroids Do To Your Eyes

Steroids relieve your symptoms instantly and can also cause damage to your body.

YL Yeong


Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

Corticosteroids, commonly referred to as steroids are lab-made versions of hormones usually produced by our bodies. It works like cortisol, created by our adrenal glands to reduce inflammation. It is different from anabolic steroids that athletes used.

Steroids drugs help to slow down the immune system that triggers inflammation. Steroids help to relieve the pain but do not treat the condition entirely.

The drugs treat diseases like:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Steroid in Eye Care

One of the most commonly used eye drops in eye care is steroid eye drops. It is widely used to treat inflammation, red eyes and reduce scarring.

Here are some of the common usage of steroid eye drops:

  • Treat anterior uveitis
  • Reduce inflammation post-operation
  • Treat periocular eczema

You may know some of the side effects of long-term usage of steroids. It may cause weight gain, changes in mood, and lower resistance to infection.



YL Yeong

Optometrist by day, Writer by Night. Writes about eye care, self-help and life.