What’s The Verdict On Masks For COVID-19 Protection?

The answer: It’s complicated and you’re probably doing it wrong

Citizen Upgrade
Published in
5 min readAug 30, 2020


Surgical mask with the words “Don’t Panic”
Photo by Tonik on Unsplash
  • In June 2020, the World Health Organization endorsed the use of facemasks to curb the transmission of COVID-19. The CDC has also endorsed mask-wearing.
  • Nevertheless, most people remain confused about the exact function of masks, especially related to the different functions of “respirators” versus standard face masks.
  • Even those who are using masks are often wearing them incorrectly, or contaminating their mask with frequent readjustments.
  • Here our physician writer summarizes what you need to know to protect yourself and your family.

It doesn’t take a genius to notice that face masks are here to stay. Despite early tweets to the contrary by the Surgeon General, scientists and public health officials now agree that widespread use of facemasks can slow the spread of COVID-19.

Combined with social distancing, mask use lowers the “R” value associated with the outbreak. The “R” is the average number of people an infected individual will subsequently infect, so an R greater than 1 means the virus is spreading (each individual infects more than one other person), and an R less than 1 means that it is on the decline.



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