You CAN Get COVID-19 Twice

And so, we should always remain vigilant

Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

“Let me just get it and get it over with.”

I have heard this statement from people more than once. This stems from the assumption that, once you get COVID-19 the first time, you will be immune from it forever. Yet, the question has always been on the minds of many — including myself and other healthcare professionals: can you get COVID-19 twice? Can someone who has already had the infection get it again? How long does immunity against COVID-19 last?

The implications of these questions are enormous: with all the work, time, effort, and billions of dollars going into the development of a vaccine, if someone can get COVID-19 a second time, what’s the point of getting a vaccine in the first place? And while it was in the realm of speculation for a long time, more and more data is coming out and confirming that you CAN get COVID-19 twice.

It was first reported in Hong Kong: a 33-year-old man first got COVID-19 in March and then traveling to Europe months later, he got COVID-19 again. How did researchers know it was a re-infection rather than a long-haul infection? They did genetic testing on the virus that was isolated and found it to be two different strains.



Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa

NY Times featured Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist | Physician Leader | Author and Blogger | His latest book is “Code Blue,” a medical thriller.