Beirut AI Community Recap: July 2019

Alaa El Hariri
Beirut AI
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2019

July… Hot, humid, record breaking July… While we and the rest of the northern hemisphere were trying not to boil alive in this incredible weather, we were able to get ready for August’s Bootcamp! The month really snuck up on us and we can’t wait to meet everyone who signed up!

The Bootcamp is Upon Us

We’ve been talking to you about this for months! We are extremely excited to see you in our upcoming (or already begun, depending on when you read this recap) bootcamp!

The response we received for this bootcamp was incredible and no matter how much we try, we cannot thank you enough for it. Nevertheless, thank you! We’ve spent these past few months preparing the very best material we can to make sure you get all the information and tools you need.

This bootcamp aims to teach the participants the ropes of everything related to AI. We want you to leave feeling confident enough to start exploring your own Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning problems.

We know that not all the applications to the bootcamp got through, and your enthusiasm will not go unappreciated. If you applied to this round of the bootcamp and did not get the chance to attend, you will be the first to know when the second edition comes to fruition!

Antoine University Hackathon

As always we love to see members of our community get down in the trenches of Artificial Intelligence! That’s why we helped organize the Antoine University Students Hackathon.

The participants were challenged with a use case about a fleet management solution. Using data that represents the history of bike usage in San Francisco, the participants were required to predict a trip’s duration and destination as well as the following week’s bike demands. Finally they were tasked with building a dashboard to present all the data that they have in a manner friendly enough for any kind of user to use.

The hackathon aimed to shed a light to participants on the many aspects of creating an AI solution. It starts from the data and ends with how you would represent your findings for anyone else. It also focused on improving their soft skills as they were all required to present their work by the end of the hackathon.

The Building Blocks to a Successful Community

Ever wondered how Beirut AI came to be? How it came to be this impactful so fast?

The founder of Beirut AI, Christophe Zoghbi, summarizes his thoughts in an article where he presents 10 points he believes are the foundation of creating a successful community in AI and Tech.

We’re now on Slack, join the Conversation!

We’re extremely excited to have conversations with you!

So far our interactions have either been in real life or one sided. Our community and our impact really comes from you and your input.

That is why we want to be more directly connected to you. We want to hear your problems so we can directly help. We also want to hear your ideas so we can be the platform where you can grow!

Interested in being a part of the conversation? Join us here.

Other Resources

The world of AI keeps evolving and improving and we can’t miss the wave! Here are some interesting AI titles from July.


Top Podcasts on AI, Data Analytics and More

KDNuggets shared a list of top 10 podcasts to listen to for AI and Machine learning:

An AI May Start Writing your Code!

An undergraduate student developed an AI that aims to predict what your next step in code is. It was created to make the mundane parts of writing code easier and leave the harder parts to you.

Learning About the Human Body through Machine Learning

The human body is a mystery, but AI is making it less mysterious. Lee et. al were able to create life-like skeletons that help us learn which muscles are working and what are the possible results of a surgery.

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Alaa El Hariri
Beirut AI

Human. Developer @Hedgeguard . Co-organiser @GDGLebanon . Blog Writer @BeirutAI. Imposter Introvert. I’ll forever be a work in progress 🦋. Opinions are my own.