Expressing things without words

2 min readMar 10, 2015


This is my grandmother. She prays five times a day. She’s in her 50s or 60s. She’s been living here in Lebanon for about two years. She was praying and I said‘I want to take a picture of you’, and she said ‘ok’.

I felt this picture expresses something about her.

This is my sister. Her character is that she loves life.

I told her ‘open your arms as if you are praying for something, or asking or wishing’.

This is my sister and my cousin. And my teddy! This picture expresses the love that is between them and how glad we are that we are together.

We did something with the pictures of people we love.

First we cut up the pictures, then we stuck them on paper. The people who are close to us we put them close, and the people who are far, we put them far. For example your sister is someone who is very close, or your cousin is very close.

I enjoyed it a lot.

The purpose of this exercise was for the young people to reflect on how they are surrounded by people who love and care for them, whether they are in Lebanon, Syria or further afield, and to see that distance does not break the bonds they have with friends and family back home. It also helps them recognise the new support networks around them in Lebanon, whether these be family, friends or teachers. It encourages feelings of confidence and security.

Lamiss attends a centre run by Christian Aid’s local partner Mouvement Social, which provides a safe space for Syrian refugee and Lebanese children — many of whom are unable to access formal education. They give children like Lamiss access to recreational, educational and psychological support. To donate to our Syria Crisis Appeal and to support vital work like this, please visit our website.




I love people and I love imagining things. I don’t like to upset anyone. I love photography and taking photos of people that show how they live. I’m 15.