My sister’s name is ‘Peace’

2 min readFeb 22, 2015


When my mum was pregnant with my youngest sister, we were still in Syria. She went for her final check up, and there was something wrong, and the doctor told her ‘you have to give birth now’. But the hospitals weren’t working because of the war, so my mum went to the house of a female doctor who had been delivering babies at home, and the baby was induced there.

But the doctor made a mistake and gave her more of the drug than her body could take. Her womb fell apart. They had to drive all the way to another town to get to a hospital. When they arrived she was almost dead, and the soldiers in front of the hospital had to give blood because she had lost so much.

My mum’s heart stopped three times during the operation; three times the trainee doctors said ‘she’s dead, let’s give up’. But the head doctor said ‘No. We have to keep on’ — and she survived.

So we really love our baby sister. She talks now and whenever she says anything people fall in love with her. She’s a miracle baby, and it’s a miracle that our mum made it back to life again.

They were very happy and laughing, I loved it. Of all the pictures I took, I like this one best.

The doctors were suggesting different names — ‘Life’, ‘Survivor’, but my mum had already decided on ‘Peace’.

Stephanie is being supported by Christian Aid. Our local partner Mouvement Social provides a safe space for Syrian refugee and Lebanese children — many of whom are unable to access state-school education. As well as ensuring their wellbeing and protection, they give children like Stephanie access to recreational, educational, social and psychological support. To donate to our Syria Crisis Appeal and to support vital work like this, please visit our website.




I’m 14. I love life and people. I want be famous, a writer, actress, journalist or a photographer. I like photography because it expresses things without words.