Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019

WWhat an incredible first year. It feels like yesterday that we started this company with only six people from Jenny’s kitchen table. Since then, the firm has almost doubled its revenue and created a variety of outstanding products that make us incredibly proud. In just over one year.

So thank you very much to everyone who made this possible.

Early this year we opened our second studio in beautiful Hamburg. We feel even more fortunate to announce that we were able to win three outstanding professionals to run our new studio and complement our Partners team.

Sebastian Paul and Pascal Constanty joined BEJOND from content giant C3’s digital practice and Bastian Mathes from acclaimed digital agency SinnerSchrader.

All three are proven senior experts in their fields of creative concept, design and strategy, sharing a deep passion for innovation and digital product design. They will massively strengthen our creative excellence and power to deliver incredible results that matter.

Paule, Pascal and Bastian join BEJOND in the role of Associate Partners and will co-lead our Hamburg operation. They arrived surrounded by a whole team of designers, concepters and developers, making our new studio fully operational from day one.

Winning these three outstanding personalities gives us confidence that we’re on the right path and that our vision for BEJOND is resonating with fantastic talent.

We are absolutely grateful, not only because we won incredibly capable professionals, but also because we found three new friends that we can share this fantastic journey with.

We wish our new partners and your team in Hamburg all the best on this ride. We are more than proud to have you on board.

Jenny & Tim

proud founders of BEJOND — a creative consulting firm




BEJOND is a creative consulting firm. We enable brave organizations to build brands, products and services that matter.