
A new design system for a leading IT documentation software

3 min readFeb 10, 2021


FFounded in 1996, our client synetics is the leading provider of IT documentation in the German-speaking world.
Their software product, i-doit, is used by companies in over 36 countries to document IT infrastructure and processes and thus gain valuable knowledge and competitive advantage.

Our Services: → UX & UI Design → Design System

synetics approached us with the task to refresh the user interface design of the i-doit software. We developed a modern, modular design system and supported the client’s dev team throughout the implementation process.

We didn’t have to start from scratch, though. Certain parts and elements of a refreshed design already existed — but they lacked a consistent system.

We structured, categorized and cleaned up the existing drafts. And got rid of what wasn’t needed — like unused fonts and colors. Then we rebuilt the whole thing.

  • We started with the basics and set up a design grid that would serve as a framework for each element and ensure visual consistency.
  • We revised the color palette, checked everything for accessibility and optimized it accordingly.
  • We redesigned modules, like the sidebar, buttons, the main navigation, widgets and the toolbar.

Then we recreated a number of selected parts and sites of the tool to implement, test and iterate the adjustments we had made early on.

By working closely with the UX and dev teams at synetics in a truly collaborative way, we were able to noticeably improve the design and usability of the software in just 4 weeks.
And we created a design system that enables the client to build new pages and add new functions quickly and easily by plugging together existing modules. That reduces design and development efforts — and increases the speed to market when releasing new features.

For more information about i-doit visit: www.i-doit.com.

And if you want to know more about this case or are interested in working with us, drop us a note at hej@bejond.com.





BEJOND is a creative consulting firm. We enable brave organizations to build brands, products and services that matter.